Athana / Wellness & articles

Ménopause : au secours j'ai des bouffées de chaleur !

Menopause: Help, I have hot flashes!

In the broad field of women's health, one notable disturbance often affects women's quality of life: hot flashes. Associated mainly with the menopause , these sudden surges of heat disrupt the daily lives of 8 million French women for an average of 7 years. Let’s dive into this topic, examine its possible origins, and explore the various ways to master them.  Hot flashes: what are they? Menopause​ causes a drop in levels estrogen , which disrupts the regulation of body temperature, generating hot flashes that can occur as early as pre-menopause and persist in post-menopause . Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden rise in temperature...

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La pré-ménopause


Premenopause lasts for several years before menstruation finally stops. During this period, variations in the menstrual cycle may occur, sometimes accompanied by unusual sensations. However, these Changes may be subtle and go unnoticed, as they can be similar to common premenstrual sensations. Premenopause is the period when the ovaries begin to produce less hormones, especially estrogen. It can last for several years before menstruation stops completely. Premenopause is usually recognized by certain changes. Menstruation varies in length and frequency, and becomes less predictable overall, both in duration and regularity. Sexual activity may become uncomfortable due to decreased vaginal lubrication. The first...

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La post-ménopause


Once the menopause is established, we speak of the post-menopause period. This new phase is accompanied by transformations both physically and mentally. This is an opportunity to take a step back and better understand this stage of your life in order to experience post-menopause with complete peace of mind. Post-menopause is the period following menopause: one year after your last period. Some symptoms gradually diminish and even disappear completely. Unfortunately, some effects, such as vaginal dryness and bone fragility, may be permanent. What are the impacts of this phase and how to manage them? The period following menopause can bring a variety...

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Sueurs nocturnes, pourquoi je transpire la nuit ?

Night sweats, why do I sweat at night?

When you suffer from night sweats, you experience sudden, heavy episodes of sweating during the night. These "nighttime hot flashes" can be so intense that they soak sheets, duvets, and sleepwear. Understanding Night Sweats Night sweats are a real challenge for many post-menopausal women, disrupting their sleep and quality of life. According to studies, approximately two thirds of postmenopausal women experience these hot flashes and night sweats. These episodes of night sweats can last for some time, causing sudden awakenings and impacting the quality of sleep. Duration and frequency of night sweats Night sweats begin with an increased heart rate, followed by a sudden...

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